If you can't tell, she's REALLY pregnant. I'm pretty sure I was never as pregnant as she was, but Amy assured me that I definitely was. I have recently learned that I am incapable of judging the size of things... but that's another blog post. Her little boy, Calvin, will be here no later than Tuesday. We can't wait to meet him and have him be best friends with Finley.
We are so grateful for Amy, she takes such good care of Finley. She is so calm, loving and sweet with him--and she misses him over the weekend! It is such a blessing to have someone so wonderful to comes over and take care of him. I can't imagine having to pack him up and take him somewhere every morning!
Finley is ready to teach Calvin how to be a good boy, and I'm hoping Calvin can teach Finley how to sleep for longer that a couple hours at a time.
Here come Miss Carrie!