Well, some things never change. Namely, my eldest's snaggle teeth and inability to smile.
He had a great first year at Veritas. His teacher adored him and told us several times that he was the brightest student she had ever taught--although we suspect his incessant chattering may have led to her decision to retire this year. All joking aside--we were so glad that Finley was in a classroom where his teacher thought he was bright and challenged him. He learned so much and is just a really cool kid.
I think he was looking into the sun which contributed to the squinty weird faces... but I kind of decided if he is going to make those faces, I'm going to put them on the blog to be preserved for all of time.
He eventually stopped complaining about having to wear collared shirts. I'm really excited to put sweet little Braden in them next year!
And the big Class of 2027 shirt!
He might have grown a little bit.
And sweet Braden. He had a great year at Trinity and will join Finley at Veritas in the fall. Why is his smile so cute!
He loved going to school--he was so happy to see his teacher and friends every day. He didn't love going to early drop off on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but he went--with lots of protesting.
We went back and forth on what to do for him for kindergarten--his preschool has a Bridge-K program that lets kids get another year of preparation before they head to kindergarten. We've heard such good things about it and because Braden has a late birthday, we considered it... but ultimately decided to send him to school with Finley. He's thrilled--although I don't think he knows what he's in for. I'm a bit nervous about homeschooling both of them next year, but we will figure it out.
He lost his first tooth a few days before the last day of school and was SO PROUD.
Guess what--its impossible to get a picture of all four of them without some help. But how cute is Merritt? And their little blond heads? I love them.
They love her.
I tried to get pictures of Keaton too, but he just wanted to sit with his siblings--not stand on the porch. So I gave up. I may try again with him... but also he's two and it doesn't really matter if he doesn't have last day of school pictures. I think he'll forgive me.