When Finley stops being so busy being a knucklehead, he's really a cute kid.

And Keaton's basically cute all the time.

I die over these photos of my FOUR kids. FOUR! Dolls.

Braden is just a hoot around her--he says really funny things too. We were around another baby girl Merritt's age and he saw her laying down and said, "Does Merritt have a silly face?" Because he knew it wasn't Merritt's face--but assumed it was still Merritt. He also can't ever call her she--recently he told someone, "This is my baby Merritt. He's a she." We correct him so often... he knows that she is the right word but just can't seem to work it in there.

Minus one point for me holding her in a weird way--plus a million points for everyone else looking like a superstar.

We've never done a mushy newborn shoot before, and I'm in love with these pictures of my sweet husband being in love with our little girl! Seriously.

I'm getting them screen printed on t-shirts to wear every day. And printing them poster size for her college dorm room. I think she'll like it and will probably help her get lots of boyfriends.

Also special--me with the little girl I didn't think I'd ever have. We think maybe she looks like me, but I think people might just be humoring me in telling me that. She does snort a lot... which is something I do.

I'm now realizing that both she and I are wearing clothes that we borrowed--I've since upped my baby girl game quite a bit!

So many sweet details I don't want to forget--her long fingers and toes (perfect for playing the piano or pickpocketing, according to Lorelai Gilmore), her perfect lips, and folded over, floppy ear courtesy of being smashed in my belly.

Ugh. In love. I'm going to go back and stare at her face some more before she turns eighteen and leaves me forever. Having a girl last might be a problem...