While in Boston, we got to see my students graduate from 8th grade (words can't do justice to the debacle that is the Dearborn graduation... there needs to be a separate blog post to try to explain it). It was so fun to see all the kids and teachers again. I got a lot of hugs and made a lot of awkward conversation. Middle schoolers aren't all that articulate. And I got to hang out with my favorite educators.
We also made a brief stop at Logan airport to see Heidi y Alex off to Croatia. It was the only way we could steal a few minutes with them. We've eaten at a lot of restaurants with those guys over the years, and now we can cross Terminal E off the list.
Sol played basketball with the boys while Kate, Bryce and I hung out at the park. Laura made the trip up from Providence to go to a barbecue with our friends from church. We were so thrilled to see the Brills and get a preview of where Finley will be in a short time. Apparently, kids grow pretty fast. I didn't do a great job of getting pictures of all the small groupers, but if you are reading this, I love you just as much as Sherri and Ashley, my baby was just extra cute when Sherri had him and it made me remember to take a picture.
Finley had about had it by the barbecue and had a minor meltdown toward the end. It's neat to watch him develop preferences for things--at times he really just wanted to be put down and have some "Finley Time".
On the way back, we stopped in Connect-i-cut to see the Arners and their little Evangeline! We had tasty Asian food and got to celebrate Neil and Sol's foray into fatherhood. They seem to both be adjusting well.
We miss Boston and all our lovely friends there so much! Hopefully Finley grows up with a little bit of Boston in him.
I wish I could have seen you guys...but hopefully I will soon!