One time I said something pretentious to Victoria about being superior TV watchers--because we've seen Freaks and Geeks as well as Firefly. RIP, shows. And some of the shows I've been watching follow that pattern... I wouldn't necessarily suggest them to everyone because they are kind of obscure. A few of them anyways. But I've already watched most of the big binge watching shows (Friday Night Lights, Arrested Development, Breaking Bad...) so I had to move on to a few more creative series. Ok, brace yourself for a lot of TV and then some books.

Sherlock -- I'm loving the BBC lately. While I loved (and continue to love) Doctor Who more than Sherlock, I think Sherlock probably appeals to a wider audience. The seasons (sadly) only have three episodes a piece, so they are quick to catch up on. Benedict Cumberbatch is like, so hot right now and Steven Moffatt has now surpassed Amy Sherman-Palladino and Rob Thomas as my favorite writer. Seriously, you should watch this one.

Doctor Who -- Where to start with this very special show? I think it's very intimidating to people because it went on the air in 1963, so there's just a lot of show out there. My dear friend Christina helped me navigate the show because it's kind of ridiculous to think you would watch all of it--especially because many of the episodes are actually missing. The basic premise of the show is there's this alien (The Doctor) who can travel through time and space and so he does, and he saves the world over and over and when he dies, he regenerates with a new body, making it possible for the show to keep going. My favorite summary of the show: It's about being bigger on the inside. The show rebooted in 2005... and has gotten better and better every season (in my opinion.) If you were going to watch it, this is what I'd do. Watch (the new) S1 E1. If you like it, keep watching. I didn't like it in the beginning because it looks kind of low budget and I wasn't a fan of that particular Doctor. So I stopped and picked up at Season 2. And then it got awesome and then even awesomer. There's a new doctor in season 2 and he's my fave. And then the next doctor comes when Steven Moffatt (remember him from Sherlock?) becomes head writer and then it gets REALLY good. Instead of the low budget, cheesy sci fi show it looked like in 2005, it's turned into this movie quality adventure. I actually went and saw the 50th anniversary special in 3D at the movie theatre--alone like a big weirdo. Kids, it's amazing. I promise. Christina and I would be happy to help you figure out how to best love it. Even Finley loves it. He's seen about two episodes and loves to pretend to be the Doctor and talk about time travel.

The Walking Dead -- I feel like this is one of those shows that everyone is watching. We were a bit late to the party because... well it's about zombies and that didn't really sound like my jam. But it is. Oh is it ever my jam. And Sol's jam, even though it freaks him out. For some reason it doesn't freak me out quite as much even though it is GROSS. We love it. The second half of the season picks up in February--plenty of time to catch up with the first 3.5 short seasons.

House of Cards -- Man, this show. It is awesome. I tend to not like political shows (I couldn't get into the West Wing. Sorry Kristin.) Watch it.

Orange is the New Black -- Also awesome. Netflix is kind of killing it with these original shows.

Wilfred -- What? You haven't heard of the show where Elijah Wood's best friend is a dog--who he sees as a man in a dog costume? What a surprise. This is not one that I would recommend to everyone--it's fairly offensive but also, all the time hilarious.

Twin Peaks -- And I would barely even recommend this one. I really liked it--but because I'm a fan of TV. It's one of those cult shows that apparently hipsters watch. Whoops. It's from the early 90s and kind of awesome. It's a bit sci-fi, a bit cheesy, and pretty fun.

Last Man Standing -- After giving Victoria a really hard time for loving this show, I literally reached the end of Netflix and started watching it. And it fills me with nostalgia--reminding me of Home Improvement and the glory days of JTT, and also of my dad. When I emailed him to ask if he had seen it, he replied, "It's filmed at our house. I am the writer." And I almost believe him.
Seriously, I watched all those seasons since Keats was born. Impressed? In between all that I've been keeping up with my current favies... Trophy Wife, GIRLS, Parenthood, Modern Family, New Girl, Mindy Project, Cougar Town, Community, Parks and Rec and Downton Abbey. Which is actually a shorter list than the average TV season.
Eventually I got tired of watching TV and read obsessively for a few weeks until I ran out of things to read on the Kindle. I don't want to read a real book made of, like, PAPER because then you need a light when you are feeding a baby in the middle of the night. But here's what I read.

Well, this series was kind of touted as the next Hunger Games and so I read it. They were ok. Don't get me wrong, I still read all three in less than a week, but its more because I'm a junkie for media and less because they were awesome. It's another dystopian society type book with a strong female lead--although I kind of found her annoying and got a little tired of the author describing her middle school appropriate love interest. They were interesting though. And there's movies coming out, so if you want to be hip, you should read them.

These two were both awesome. I'm a sucker for anything JoJo Moyes writes because its all awesome and because the typography on the cover kills me. Both books were about stolen/recovered fine art and were really interesting. Although be warned about The Goldfinch--because I read it on my Kindle I did not realize its like 700 pages long. It's a doozy, but totally worth it.

These two were another set I greatly enjoyed. Shauna Niequist feels like she could be your pal and writes in such a relatable way. Bread and Wine was short stories that had recipes to go along with them--the whole book rotated between making me hungry and making me miss my friends. I read Cold Tangerines a few years ago--all three are great books!

And these ones are kind of random. I haven't quite finished The Astronaut Wives Club, but its a fun story of the wives of the astronauts. (Yes, that's basically what the title says, but its a really accurate title.) Seating Arrangements was a New England story taking place within a wedding weekend. I mostly like it because I fancy myself a New Englander deep in my heart. And Okay for Now is definitely juvenile literature, but it was still a fun read.
And that's what I've been doing since July in the middle of the night. I only wish I had more arms--or better yet, a second body!--so I could do slightly more productive things while nursing Keaton. Folding laundry... filling Etsy orders... dishes... showering...
Now go watch Doctor Who. And if you have suggestions for things I should binge watch next, let me know. I'm almost done with Last Man Standing and (no offense, Vic...) but I kind of feel like I've hit rock bottom with regards to quality television. XOXO.
None taken. It cracks me up that you watched LMS. And I didn't know you read Okay for Now! I want to give it to all the English Teachers at our school!
ReplyDeleteI respectfully submit that Brooklyn Nine-Nine should be added to your current TV. I was skeptical, but it's now one of my favorites. If you are cool with offensive but hilarious, watch Archer. It's animated, but it boasts the voice talents of both Lucille Bluth and George Senior's fiercely loyal assistant, Kitty. The first three seasons are on Netflix and the fifth season is airing now.
ReplyDeleteYES! Vic loves B99 and after it won some Golden Globes I figured I should watch too. And I watched an episode of Archer--I feel like it might take a few to develop a taste for it? But many people have recommended it to me so I feel like I probably would like it!
DeleteThis comment has the power to cause a fracture in the foundation of our friendship: "...Steven Moffatt has now surpassed Amy Sherman-Palladino and Rob Thomas as my favorite writer."
ReplyDeleteAs a counselor, I hope you'd sympathize with my need to be honest with myself. Promise, if you watch Doctor Who or Sherlock, I think you'd agree. Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars will never be dethroned as my all time favorite shows, promise. They taught me how to love TV. #slightlyoverdramatic
DeleteI mentioned again to Kip that he needed to start watching V. Mars. He was skeptical. So we'll take him to the movie to be our test case for "does the movie appeal to people who haven't watched the show?" And then maybe he will watch it after our trip. #notlikely
DeleteLOVE Sherlock! And since I had read your blog this morning, I thought it was super strange when I just saw this:
ReplyDeleteOh, and I'm starting Veep on HBO Go. Did you watch Nashville yet?
DeleteOh I bet I'd like Veep! I've watched some Nashville... I liked it.
DeleteHilarious that someone else blogged about the same books today! Oh internet.
ReplyDeleteI knooooooooow! I can't find it anywhere!
DeleteContinue your Anglophilia and watch Gavin and Stacey!!!!! It's the best. Look for Luther from the BBC, also great! Also, Ballykissangel, if you can find it. Revolves around an English priest who moves to an small Irish town and all the hilarity that ensues -1990's style.
ReplyDeleteBrooklyn Nine Nine is funny, it will probably only fill a few days though.
ReplyDeleteI also vote that you start watching Brooklyn 99! It's good for sure. My husband and I are binge watching Scrubs right now, even though we've seen the entire series at least two or three times. So funny. Also, I don't know how you feel about adult animated shows, but Bob's Burgers is surprisingly funny! We started watching it a few days ago and I laugh out loud at least three times during each episode. Also, Kristen Schaal voices the youngest daughter and I think she's the funniest.
ReplyDeleteOh, and also Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice are awesome. Especially Grey's. Even my husband likes watching them, but only for the crazy catastrophes and definitely not for the sordid romances, he says.
ReplyDeleteArcher (just power through the offensiveness and it's so hilarious and smart)
Brooklyn 99
Community has gotten good again
This is nerdy, but Graham convinced me to watch Star Trek: The Next Generation using a very specific system. You only watch the episodes that get an 8 or higher (out of 10) on IMDB. It is the best show ever if you only watch the top rated shows.
Books I'm currently obsessed with:
We Have Always Lived in the Castle (and all Shirley Jackson)
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
Lord Peter Wimsey series
Have you ever seen Psych? It's on the last season now on USA network. But the rest at on Netflix. I love it so much. And since I love all the shows you just mentioned I thought I would share!
ReplyDeleteYes! I'm about two seasons behind and am planning on catching up! Gus and Shawn crack me up. :)
DeleteHave you ever seen Psych? It's on the last season now on USA network. But the rest at on Netflix. I love it so much. And since I love all the shows you just mentioned I thought I would share!