Wednesday, November 18

Merritt || Two Months

Two months! Hooray!!

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Month two has been spent eating as much as she can and getting chubby. We don't expect the chub to last, but for the time being, she's 12 pounds, 5 ounces, 23 inches long and her head is 39 cm. All of that is right around the 75th percentile. She's starting to outgrow her 3 month clothes but is still too little for her 6 month stuff.

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Her sleep is still erratic--three times she's slept almost eight hours, but most of the time its somewhere between 3 and 5. More often towards the 3 side. Typical Scott baby. I've been letting her sleep on her belly since she has pretty good head control. She does nap really well during the day--so I'll try not to complain about the sleep too much or I'll jinx myself! (I really like these pictures where she's mushing her face around.)

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She's easy to make happy--she's just a content little girl. We flew to KC a few days after she turned two months and she was a gem. She slept all but about ten minutes of the flight and was just cuddly and sweet. Sigh.

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She sometimes sucks on her hand and sometimes lets us give her a pacifier--not sure what all of that will amount to. But it's something. She's still a bit withholding of her smiles--but if we work we can get a few! Keaton continues to be her number one fan--he was crying in these pictures because he didn't get to hold her.

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As soon as I moved her over to Keaton, he was thrilled. I'm kind of excited to see what kind of hair she ends up with. Those boys all have great hair.

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