Vic and I, well, we are crazy. We're exhausted. Running a marathon and cheering for a marathoner just wore us out. ALL of us needed naps after school, so after recharging out batteries (and washing our greasy hair) we were on our way to Borders. Traffic was terrible, parking was terrible, and our attitudes were terrible. But once we got some Diet Coke, we were in slightly better spirits.
The book signing started at 6 and we had tickets to be in the second group. But we are dumb and missed them calling our group. So we ended up being in the 4th group. Finley held it together, even though he had taken ZERO naps while I was at work. He was actually pretty precious. And we made him wear his birthday cowboy outfit again because, well, there aren't many more chances for him to wear it. And we were pretty sure it would help Ree be convinced she needed to link to us on her blog. (Please, Ree?)

So we finally got to meet THE Pioneer Woman. Basically, Ree was pretty and sweet; not awkward and sweaty like her blog implies. Vic and I were kind of dumb and mute--for two girls who always have a lot to say, we didn't really know what to say to our idol. We just stood there and made awkward small talk. There were a few moments of panic before it was our turn--we (and by we, I mean me) misplaced our photo-ode to Marlboro Man. Don't worry, I found it and Ree loved it. She snapped a few pictures of my cowbaby and thought he was darling.

Best part of this picture? EDWARD CULLEN, BABY.

On the way to the book signing, I asked Vic if she would rather meet The Pioneer Woman, or Justin Bieber.
It was unanimous. PW wins.
of course, she loved the cowbaby, Finley and his adoring mother and other mother. I bet you are on the blog!!!! Thanks for sharing the fun.
ReplyDeleteYou met PW! That's awesome - I'm so jealous! :) Who wouldn't think your adorable little "cowbaby" was darling -- I can't look at his pics for very long or else I start thinking about having another! Hope she posts y'all on her blog
ReplyDeleteHow cute is your cowbaby?!?!
ReplyDeleteand, I am SOOOO jealous you met PW! I love her so much. Her blog & cookbook rocks. I am SO bummed she hasn't scheduled a book signing out here in California. I am dying to meet her!
Hmmm...Would that be like Ranch dude, morphed into Ranch baby or Baby Dude? Buccaneer morphs into Buccababe or Babeneer? Buckaroo is a Babyroo? I getting myself dizzy going around in these circles. How fun to meet your idol! Digital star! Virtual Celeb! Blog Idol! Rach, maybe you could do a series on your blog...
ReplyDeleteLet me know if Finley makes the PW blog. I read it most every day, but don't want to miss him.
I leave for D.C. today! Can't wait to see you guys and meet little Finley. I feel like I know him after reading your blog. :)
See ya soon.
PSSST...I didn't see the Edward Cullen baby????
ReplyDeleteI love PW, and I would be really jealous if it weren't for my new BFF Matthew Morrison. I mean, can PW sing?
ReplyDeleteBut, I guess it's pretty cool that you met Ree.
Okay, by cool, I mean AMAZING.
And Finn's baby butt photo better make the blog. Or else.
I really think once Finley decides to start growing hair, you should style it like Edward Cullen. Then he could be a vampire baby!
ReplyDeleteI think I will print this one too. I need it.