I pretty much just remade Finley's Peter Pan costume (that Braden is wearing) in black. We put some of Sol's black socks over his shoes, black mittens on his hands, and I bought a black masky thing at a Halloween store to cover his face. It was kind of annoying, so he just wore it for a few pictures.

I would have loved to get pictures of them doing shadow-y things... but I'll take playing on the slide.

They had a lot of fun trick or treating! Braden wanted to go inside every house and was generally discontent with the whole process--until we let him eat candy. Finley liked trick or treating--but his favorite part was after we got home and he got to pass out candy. He took the job super seriously and LOVED it. Extrovert.

Keaton was supposed to be a Lost Boy/Fox... but it was a hot costume, so he didn't wear it for long. He did wear his fox pajamas as we trick or treated, so I think that counts.

Here's the past four Halloweens in case you have some time to kill!
Halloween 2012
Halloween 2011
Halloween 2010
Halloween 2009
That's my boy. Extrovert. Also, why am I not in an Halloween photos from 2009 and 2010?